Monday, September 22, 2014

2nd 10 Hour Day Completed

This getting up early thing seems to be getting a little easier as time goes on. We have our morning routine going I get up get dressed, fix my hair and put my make up on while Todd takes the dogs out and drinks his coffee. This way we do not bump into each other then he gets dressed and I go eat breakfast this works great I am glad we have a routine now the first couple of days we did not and we were bumping into each other and fumbling around trying to figure out what we should be doing this early.

We walk in work this morning and in the break room is decorated with Happy Anniversary balloons and streamers. Amazon is celebrating their 15 year anniversary all this week. To the morning meeting we go there is no VTO as of now and if there was we would not be taking it lol.... our Kaizen score is 96 we improved from a 93 that's great!!! Now we will do our morning stretches. No one really takes these serious Todd and I do I feel they really help with out with our job. Off we go we are supposed to let our scanners lead us I hope that does not mean checkerboard lol.

10:30 am rolls around and guess what!!! I made it to lunch today go me go me.....!!! lol... At lunch we were told that for their 15 year anniversary there will be an assortment of ice cream in the freezer all week for us to enjoy... WOO HOO this is great except for I am lactose intolerant and I do not want to risk taking a dairy pill and eating ice cream while I work. Todd had 1 ice cream for lunch and 1 ice cream on our second break....

My personally opinion the workcampers that are here right now Amazon was not expecting us to be as fast as we were. The work they had given us was completed before right after lunch this left us getting messages from our manager on our scanner to be bounced around every where woo hoo. Todd counted his first pallet's yesterday, he advises to take a pen with you if you count pallets you may have to do some math you may not be able to do in your head lol..From bouncing around every where we have now counted in all the buildings. I feel like we have walked 20 miles today I wish we could wear pedometers to actually see what we are walking, but of course we can not because Amazon sell's them hahaha

our second day is completed and we start our weekend YAY!! we have off 3 days. They do not have Voluntary OT right now so we can not work if their was we would be working it.Todd said he would be upset because he wanted some days off but he will work any OT offered because we are working towards a new rig. 

Hopefully the weather will be nice for our days off I see some hiking in our future and maybe go exploring surrounding towns.

Here is Todd enjoying the yummy ice cream!!

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