Sunday, August 10, 2014

Unpacking and Setting Up

June 30th 2104
We wake up as full time rvers, I find out that we have no cable and no cell signal which means we are kinda isolated and I will not lie I have a little nervous break down and my wonderful hubby points out all the good happy things, so I hope it will not be so bad. We begin unpacking and moving things around and realize that we have WAY TO MUCH STUFF for our life style. Our bathroom in our camper is a closet because I have too many clothes so we shower at the campground showers which are not that bad but could use a little more cleaning.  So after a shower to refresh, we sit down and make a shopping list so I can go shopping and get all the food and things we need. 

While I head out to Walmart, which is 37 miles away hubby says he will organize our camper for when I get back.
While on my way to the store  my phone goes crazy when I get signal, it is my family checking in to make sure we made it safe.  I called people and let them know we were ok and everything was great then I went shopping.  I had a budget of $100 and I came right on (well a few $$ over but for me thats good) I am happy.  I get back home and the hubby (Todd) had organized, but we have way to much stuff. We don’t not have space for all the groceries I bought. So we put stuff that we think we will not use for a while in bins and under the camper covered with a tarp. 

By this time it is already 6pm so we make tacos for dinner then we settle in for a night of card playing 500 rummy since we do not have TV or cell signal (I am kinda going crazy with out TV and cell signal) Then we hit the sack very happy people.

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