Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Beware Of Stools,Crazy Storms And Your Gas Gauge!!! LOL

Went to work this morning knowing that we were going to be in ICQA made going to work suck. We see at the morning meeting that we are going to be doing checkerboard in Q MOD most people hate this MOD because that is were the train the stowers to stow most of the time the bins are a MESS. Today was and exception I guess I was breezing through the bins they were not messy at all. Todd is one row down from me and I see him walk past me wonder what for? He went to get a pair of gloves. Doing this job without gloves you can get really dirty real quick it is nasty some of these bins have a cloud of dust come out when you pull the product to count. I sneeze all day long normally I do not wear glove but looking at my hand with only an hour worked I told myself at break I would grab my gloves and wear them today. I am rolling down the bins and I get to a bin on the E level the level that I need to start using my stool to get into the bin (short girl problems) this bin has about 50 cake doilies in it. As I am standing on the stool with the doilies in my hand I feel my step stool start to buckle on me. I get the product on the cart but I did not have enough time to get off the cart it buckled he left and I bet you can guess what happened next… I feel off the stupid hard plastic stool and twisted my left ankle. At this time it is break time I find Todd and tell him what happened ( 20 minutes earlier when I was working I realized the stool was not snapped together properly and I had Todd fix it) He asked me if it was the same stool he had just fixed I said “yes” he looked at me and said “don’t you think you should have went to get another one” Prior to the stool buckling no one has said anything about if the stool break to get a new one these stools are cheap hard plastic and snap together all the stools for ICQA are like that. I hobbled my way to the medication vending machine because I am hard headed and would not listen to Todd and go to Amcare (on site medical care for Amazon) There is a big yellow sign on the machine that reads “if you are taking this medication due to a on the job injury you need to see you Manager and Amcare…. OK OK I will go after break I want some food in my belly.

After break I walk to my manager and she takes me to Amcare I get all iced up and then all the questions are coming how, when,why,what caused it, etc… He does not think there is anything wrong with my ankle just twisted it I need to remain off it for at least 2 hours. He find me some busy work sitting in a learning room with no radio or noise I am cutting out something for the safety team. I am in there 2 hours and I cut way more then he gave me I continued to make copies after I was finished with the ones he had given me. Right before lunch time the a member of the safety team comes in we need to go reenact the incident for pictures and investigation. He asked me to meet him Amcare so I did. Walking to the Q MOD this member of the safety team really made me feel like I was lying or something about my injury and what happened all he kept repeating was “I have never heard of these black stools coming apart” “I have asked several people and they have said it never happened to them” “are you sure what happened happened” Really dude I did not make a plan this morning to come to work and twist me ankle WHAT HAPPENED HAPPENED weather you believe it or not. I asked if I could go back to work I was released to work but the Amcare guy asked me to keep stretching my ankle and wear the ace wrap he had given me I agreed. Thank goodness I can work now. We worked our full 10 hours yesterday counting was not so bad today the bins were not that bad just yet but wait until stow start ramping up for peak them I will hate counting hahah

After we get out of work there is so crazy looking storm clouds so I check my phone for a weather alert 1 inch hail expected 60 MPH winds and ground to sky lighting. Sure enough sever T-storm warning in our area. We hurry home knowing the animals hate storm and we are not sure if it was storming all day or not. We make it home before the storm as we pull into our site I realize that we are on E for gas…uh oh I hate telling Todd that I did not pay attention to the gas tank lol. I think the storm missed us we had a few rumbles of thunder. We decided that we were not cooking tonight it was a pizza kind of night. We hop online and order some pizza I agree to go get it incase the storm come while we are gone that way someone can stay with the animals. I get in the truck and look at the gas gauge and cringe :-/ off I go I hope I make it to the gas station Todd is outside with the dogs I make it almost out of the parking lot and I start to run out of gas. I turn around and hurry back to the spot I walk in the house and Todd is putting on his shoes I ask “what are you doing” he looks at me with a smirk on his face “you ran out of gas didn't you” all I could do was smile. He is now driving I have my fingers crossed that we will make it to the gas station. About 1 miles down the round we are sputtering pretty bad we see a campground that has a gas pump $3.99 for gas who cares we will not make it past that point. We pull in and the store is closed luckily the owner walked out and we told him the situation and he turned on the pump for us. while Todd is pumping the gas I see a double rainbow I grab my camera as soon as I do the rainbow disappears the sun is shining I really think the storm missed us thank goodness. I turn around and in the distance there are some crazy looking clouds maybe the weather station had the timing off on the storm. We got enough gas to get us to the next real gas station got gas went to get our pizza’s and went home.

DSC03930 DSC03931 DSC03933 DSC03934 DSC03935 DSC03936 DSC03937 DSC03938 DSC03939 DSC03940 DSC03941 We saw a ton of deer last night on our way home we are going to grab a chair and set up were we saw them and be very quite around 6pm so I can take some awesome picture of them!!!!! cant wait!!!

after we eat remember the crazy storm well the weather people must of had the timing off by 3 hours lol.. it came eventually with hail, bad lighting and rain,rain,rain for about 2 hours It was raining so hard we could not hear our TV I think this calls for a night of watching DVR shows under the heated blanket cuddling with the hubby and animals. I feel asleep really early after the day we had lol.. I will for now on watch my gas gauge very carefully LOL…. and so will Todd even though I do all the driving :-)

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